Social Media AR Quiz Filters for Zoos, Museums, and Aquariums – Engage, Educate, and Activate

Take Your Social Media Content from Passive to Interactive with Augmented Reality Quizzes Did you know that only 100 Amur…

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Engage, Educate, and Activate

Social Media AR Quiz Filters for Zoos, Museums, and Aquariums

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On-Site Augmented RealityEvents and Exhibits

Take Your Social Media Content from Passive to Interactive with Augmented Reality Quizzes

Did you know that only 100 Amur Leopards are left in the wild? Or that nickel has a lower atomic weight than krypton?

Tailored specifically for your museum, zoo, or aquarium, our AR quiz filters provide a unique and interactive way to captivate your current followers AND attract new ones via organic discovery and social search across Instagram, Facebook, and Snapchat 

How it Works

Your AR quiz filter lets users test their knowledge on a variety of topics related to your specific museum, zoo, or aquarium—including animals or exhibits specific to your location. Whether it's comparing the diet of a polar bear to a penguin, the distance between planets, or distinguishing between the work of Manet and Monet, our quizzes provide a dynamic learning experience that users can share with their friends and followers.


Custom Content

Tailor quizzes to feature exhibits and education efforts from your specific institution, enabling visitors to connect with your mission before and/or after their visit.

Custom Branding

Put your logos, colors, and brand messaging front and center for increased memorability. This way, every post using your filter acts as an organic ad for your organization!

Platform Versatility + Shareability

Availability on Instagram, Snapchat, and Facebook ensures broad reach and lets you meet your audience where they already are. Plus, users can easily share their quiz results, spreading awareness and attracting new followers.

Collect Valuable Data

Interaction data, audience locations, demographic data, and more can be collected and used for business strategy, marketing, creating lookalike audiences, ad campaigns, trends, identifying brand advocates, and so on.

Enhanced Engagement



AR filters on Instagram Stories have an average engagement rate of nearly 3 times a regular IG post according to Hubspot.



Users spend 5 times longer interacting with AR effects vs regular posts, according to Facebook reporting.



According to Snap Inc.'s research, brands using AR lenses or filters on Snapchat experienced a 94% higher conversion rate compared to traditional marketing channels.


Connect to Conservation

Build awareness for your conservation efforts and educate the public on wildlife and environmental issues.

Community Building

Foster a sense of community among followers who share a passion for animals and conservation.

Social Growth

Boost your social media following as users share their quiz results and invite others to participate.

Educational and Fun

Combine learning with entertainment to engage diverse audiences in a new and exciting way.

Use Cases

Educational Campaigns

Launch quizzes focusing on different species, habitats, and conservation topics.

Fundraising Events

Integrate quizzes into fundraising campaigns to motivate participation and increase donations.

Seasonal or Themed Campaigns

Create themed quizzes around specific events such as Earth Day, World Oceans Day, or during special exhibitions.

Visitor Engagement

Offer quizzes as part of the on-site experience, encouraging visitors to explore more and learn.

Community Engagement Initiatives

Develop quizzes that focus on local wildlife and conservation efforts in the surrounding community to encourage local support and participation.

Getting Started

We’re eager to help you find new ways to further your mission, stand out on social media, educate your followers, drive attendance, and inspire community action.

Let’s make a difference together!

Click Here to Get Started

Scan the QR or click the link below if you're on your phone.

Try the AR Quiz Filter on Instagram